Before I became a Christian and started studying the Scriptures, I had heard Psalm 23 only during the eulogy at a funeral service. I thought it was telling the friends and family of the deceased that their loved one is in a better place. But, after studying each verse and thinking about what God was saying to us,I realized He was confirming that we could be in a better place while we are still alive. His care for us is the same on earth as in eternity. We only need to completely Trust In Him. Before we can experience the Peace of God, we have to realize and believe that he is the One who Provides our every need and He also Protects us and everything He has given us.
Psalm 23:1 – “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.”
A need is something essential that we cannot survive without. All of the following needs were given to each of us by God: The breath of life. The ability to move about and think. Seeds to grow food. Animals to provide meat and milk. Families to love and care for. Shelter, clothing, rest and sleep.
Genesis 1:29 – “Then God said, “I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”
Psalm 23:5 – “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; My cup runneth over.”
A pessimist has a half-empty cup, and optimist has a half-full cup, but a person blessed by God has an overflowing cup. The phrase “in the presence of my enemies” seems to say that unbelievers are watching you to see how God is taking care of you and how you are responding and sharing these blessings. We are a living example of how God provides for us and it is important that you tell others and be sure to give God the credit.
Psalm 105.1 –O, Give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His Name; Make known His deeds among the People.”
I would like to share with you one of His Provisions He gave to me. I had been able to help a young mother of two to buy Christmas gifts and food for her children. I had attended a prayer meeting and she was sharing with us that her husband had left her for someone else. She had laid away gifts for the children and was going to have to cancel the order. My husband had died recently and I had set aside some of his insurance money for pending medical bills. I went to the store and paid cash for her lay away and asked the clerk to call her and tell her to come and pick up her order. That way it could be an anonymous blessing. It was also God’s answer to her prayer. When I received the final medical bill from my husband’s illness, it was the
exact amount less than I had expected to pay than the lay away had cost me.
My great grandson also had an anonymous blessing delivered to him at home. When he was only nine years old we discovered he could play music by ear. We knew he also would have to be able to read music. He was given a small keyboard for Christmas that year, as well as future piano lessons. As his playing progressed he had a need for a real piano for his practice time. We sent out the word that a used piano would be greatly appreciated. We knew of a family that had two pianos but had promised to give the second one to another friend. A few weeks later a truck pulled into my grandson's driveway and the driver asked if this is where my grandson lived. He delivered a real, full size piano in excellent condition. We asked him where it came from and he said he didn’t know. Someone had just asked him to deliver it to my grandson. We presumed our friend had decided to give her extra piano to us. When called, she said she still had her two pianos in her living room. We still do not know from where it came exactly. We don’t need to know the name, but we do know the real source of this provision.
God’s Protection – He protects us from walking away from Him and going back to our old sinful ways.
Psalm 23:3 “ He restores my soul, He leads me in the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake.”
Psalm 5:8 “Lead me O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies; Make your way straight before my face.”
Psalm 25:4 “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths.”
Believers are never alone spiritually. Praise the Lord! Not even on our final journey.
Psalm 23:4 – “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”
A good parent is always there to protect their children. A Good Shepherd is always there to protect His sheep. What a comfort it is to know that Jesus Our Savior Himself is protecting us and knows where we are at any given moment in time. I am grateful that I am one of His Sheep and am not still out there wandering about on my own - vulnerable and unprotected as I once was.
Thank you for reading this.
Granny Witt
A little lagniappe*: Sometimes God uses circumstances to forewarn us of what could be a disaster. Case in point: One of my great granddaughters was having a bad dream and woke up crying. Her mom went upstairs to comfort her. While there, Mom noticed a strange light in the back yard by the garage. Upon further scrutiny, it became clear that the trash can at the back of the garage was on fire. Flames were licking the back of the garage. Everyone was quickly evacuated and the Fire Department was called and put out the fire. It was caused by some supposedly cold and wet charcoal from a fire pit that had been thrown into the trash can. Some of the embers were still hot. What started as looking into the cause of a child’s crying, ended up being the protection of a family from a disaster.
*Lagniappe (pronounced 'lan-yap' - means 'a little extra' in Canjun. Granny picked this term up during her time as a missionary in New Orleans.