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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Being frugal means practicing economy in using the resources you have

We sometimes learn things the hard way when our life’s situation changes drastically.  Since my childhood was spent during the years of the “Great Depression” in the 1920’s, I was able  to give the tips I gave last week on how to stretch the dollars you do have to cover all of our needs,not necessarily all of your desires.

A need is something useful to exist, such as: food, shelter and income. A desire is for enjoyment or to satisfy a craving you have. There were several attitudes that resulted from these years of poverty in those who lived through them.  Many, including myself, continued to be frugal, spending only what we had.  This was a good choice and resulting in being debt free.  Another attitude was from those who, because they had to do without, decided that they never wanted to experience lack again, so they would buy everything they wanted on credit.  This was a bad choice and the result was being bogged down with a large debt, sometimes for long periods of time.

Another good choice was saving money to buy something you wanted until you had saved enough to pay cash.  There was no debt involved.  Two large purchases that would probably necessitate borrowing money for a long period of time are homes and automobiles.  This is where common sense is part of the decision on where and what to buy.

If you can only afford a house in a family neighborhood, don’t even look at the mansions in the gated communities.  If you can only afford a Ford, don’t even go into a Cadillac showroom.  Usually trying to keep up with the Joneses (whoever they are!) can be a very foolish and costly decision.

It is important to teach our children good economic habits while they are getting their allowance. This will instill in them a “don’t spend more than you earn habit” which will be helpful to them when they receive their first pay check.  Many parents give their children “everything” they ask for even if they cannot afford to do so.  Some of these children will grow up with the wrong impression that “Doctor Debt” can solve all of their financial problems.  NOT SO!  They will experience financial relapse after relapse.  A good healthy prescription motto would be:  IF YOU CAN’T PAY FOR IT. DON’T BUY IT! 

I would be negligent in giving financial advice if I failed to mention marriages where both the husband and wife are employed and her earnings are not necessary to make ends meet but are used for luxury items.  When I was first married and was still employed, we had neighbors in the same situation.  They were living off of both incomes.  Then she became pregnant with their first child and was physically unable to continue working.  The result was a financial disaster. The husband had to find a part time job in addition to his regular job to pay their existing expenses.  As I watched them struggle, I learned a very important financial lesson: the living expenses of my husband and myself, including the cost of transportation to and from our jobs, were paid out of my husband’s wages only. When I received my pay check, I deposited it in a Savings Account.  Two years later, when we bought our first house, we were able to put 50% down, which resulted in a very low mortgage payment.  When I became pregnant and quit my job, there was no financial crisis.  You can really profit from seeing other people’s mistakes and by not duplicating them.

God knows what we need and He provides everything we need.  Our neighbors and friends might have different needs than ours.  He also will provide for them.  Be grateful and thankful for God’s blessings and provision for us.  Speak as Paul did in Philippians 4:vs. 11,12,13 –

“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.  I know how to be abased and how to abound.  Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.  I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST, WHO STRENGTHENS ME.”

Praise the Lord for giving us everything necessary that we need to live a godly life.  Always give Him the credit when we tell others of His deeds.

Thank you for reading this,

Great Granny Witt

Monday, September 14, 2015

Tips for families to help their breadwinners be wise stewards

Those of us who were children during the “Great Depression in America” still remember some of the ways we learned to get the most out of what little we had to live on.  That is why I decided to share some ideas that would be applicable for those who are the breadwinners of today.      

Sometimes family habits can be a factor in determining the cost of necessary major expenditures in the home.  The cooperation of all of the family in the following examples  can lower these overall expenses and result in helping the breadwinners be wise stewards.

  • Example #1  A ten minute shower versus a 30 minute one will result in a lower water bill, and all of you will still be clean!
  • Example #2  Turning off the lights in an unoccupied room will lower the electric bill.  The furniture isn’t afraid of the dark!
  • Example #3  Closing the windows and doors when the furnace or air conditioner are running will lower the heating bill! Also on a cool day open the windows and doors and let the cool air in and turn off the air conditioner.
  • Example #4   Usually in the food category, waste is a factor.  This happens when everyone puts too much food on their plates and throws away what is left after they eat all they can.  It would be better to ask for seconds if you are still hungry, rather than disposing of the balance of your first helping.  If you took only what you knew would be sufficient, the extra would still be in the pan on the stove to be served as leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch. This would also lower the quantity of food to be purchased.
  • Example #5  Take care of your personal clothing.  Clothes last longer if they are hung on a hanger in a closet, rather than thrown over the back of a chair or dropped on the floor.

Luke 12: 42,43 – “And the Lord said “Who then is that faithful and wise steward whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of food in good season? Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.”

If you put the above suggestions into practice, the breadwinners will be blessed and so will  the rest of the family.  Let me know if you try this and it works for you. May God Bless you and your family.

Thank you for reading this,
Great Granny Witt

Monday, September 7, 2015

Honor our breadwinners as they labor to provide for their families

Labor Day is considered a national holiday.  When my daughter was still in grade school, I used my time on Labor Day to be sure she had all the supplies she would need to start a new school year on the next day and was “good to go”.  I recently did a little research to find out when and why and by whom this holiday started.  Over 130 years ago, the Labor Unions then realized that the American workers contribute to the prosperity and well being of our country.  So, it is appropriate that we pay tribute to them on Labor Day.

The following scriptures acknowledge what God expects us to accomplish through our work ethics.
Paul said to the Thessalonians in 2 Thessalonians 3: 10, 11 –

“For even when we were with you, we commanded you this; If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.” For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies”. 

1 Timothy 5:vs. 8 – “But, if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

Isaiah 58: vs. 7 – “ Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out.”

1 Corinthians 10: vs. 31 – “Therefore, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

Consider it a privilege to be part of the work force of America, rather by brain or by brawn.

I pray that all who read this are gainfully employed and are receiving sufficient compensation from their jobs in order to provide everything their family needs.  This will also enable them to help others who are not as fortunate.

May God bless you
Thank you for reading this,

Great Granny Witt

Take your divine appointments seriously

Being in the right place at the right time to bless someone in need is not necessarily a coincidence.  I believe these meetings are arranged by God Himself, and we call these divine appointments.   We need to have a clear knowledge of God’s Word.  That will enable us to bring to mind the scriptures that cover each and every particular situation.

A very vivid example of this stands out in my memory.  A few years ago, I was returning home from a visit with my sister in Sacramento, California.  My original flight missed its connection in Denver. I was transferred to another flight on a different airline.  This was no doing of my own.  A man from New England sat next to me.  He said he was returning home from his mother’s funeral in San Francisco and it seemed to comfort him to talk about her death. Before he sat down next to me, I had been reading my Bible and it was in my lap.  He asked questions about what the Bible said about eternity.  I gave him a Bible tract, which explained how Jesus was the only Way to eternal life.  He said he had never heard that and asked me if he could keep the booklet and study it further when he arrived home.  I also shared with him what a great impact Jesus had on my life as a widow.  I never saw him again but I thanked the Lord that He had given me an opportunity to tell this stranger about Jesus.

God has given me many more opportunities to tell others about Jesus and His Great Salvation.

John 3: 16-18 – “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.  He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

I praise the Lord that He has given me opportunities to tell others about Him.  It was 42 years ago this month that I committed my own life to Christ.  His blessings and benefits since then have been endless. Maybe there is a divine appointment in your future for you to share your faith in and love of Jesus.

Thank you for reading this,

Great Granny Witt