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Monday, March 21, 2016

Maturing in a Godly Manner with Gratitude and Grace:The birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus becomes our salvation

The most important event in a Christian’s life is when he or she believes that Jesus died for them personally when He took their sins with Him to the Cross. He died for all of mankind and we are a part of that group.

Last year, on “Good Friday”, I was watching a film, on TV of the crucifixion of Jesus.  It was very real and intense.  When I saw how they whipped His back until it  bled and then they pounded the crown of thorns into his scalp until His blood ran down over his face, I had to turn off the TV because I was weeping real tears when I realized my personal sins were being covered by His blood.  Jesus, the Son of God actually died to cover our sins with His blood.  The magnitude of His Sacrifice is mind boggling.  To be loved that much by someone, how can we not love Him as much as He loved us?

We praise the Lord for who He is and who we are because He died for us in our place.  And because He lives, we can face tomorrow.  Our chains are gone!  We have been set free!  Our Lord, Our God has rescued us not just for now, but for all of eternity.

This is the 43rd year I will be able to celebrate His Great Gift of Salvation.  My daughter was the first one in our family to learn and believe that all of our “good works” could not save our souls.  She couldn’t wait to share this with her mother and everyone else she knew.  Praise the Lord for her persistent witnessing to me and many others.  The Lord then sent me on my own personal journey to spread His Good News to many others.  Even though I retired from the work place at age 90, my spiritual witnessing goes on in my Devotional writings.  Have you thought about this?  If someone saves your physical life, it only lasts until your physical death.  When Jesus saves your soul, it goes on with you into eternity and beyond.

Praise God Our Father who sent His Son, Jesus to be born on earth.  Our greatest worth on earth is our relationship with Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.  Four things had to happen and they did. Jesus was born on earth, died on earth, was resurrected and ascended back into heaven.  He reigns there with God Our Father and His Holy Spirit dwells within us.  This is the “Greatest Story Ever Told” because, Praise the Lord, it is true.  What Jesus, Himself, said to Thomas in John 14:6 dispels any myths about other ways to get to heaven.

 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  

I pray during this Easter Season, we will all remember who we are in Christ and what it  took for Him to break down the barrier that was keeping us from coming to God Our Father.

Thank you for reading this,

Great Granny Witt

Monday, March 14, 2016

Maturing in a Godly Manner with Gratitude and Grace: It's not too late to salvage and reinforce Christian values.

Instead of being the “Silent Majority”, let’s be the “Vocal Majority” and let “Onward Christian Soldiers” be our battle cry and theme song.  There are enough of us in our Army to overcome those who are blatantly leading our country down a path of self destruction.  Instead of following them, let’s just replace them.  

As we listen to some of the current group of politicians who are vying for the opportunity to be elected, we can sense that it is not all about America, but it is all about them, and their alter ego.  It seems their arms should be in pain from patting themselves on the back by blowing their own trumpets and gaining authority over us in our daily lives.  I strongly suggest that we stop their music/noise by using our TV mute/off buttons.  We can then quietly meditate on the message they are sending  out. Mostly their promises are a figment of their imagination or a “fairy tale”.  Con artists have used the same approach on their victims for many years.  Let us be victors and not victims.  

We must press on until the day that God can truly bless America again! The following scriptures I highlighted last week, are still appropriate for this entire voting season.  I ask that we all unite together and pray these scriptures daily until we see a difference in the immoral practices going on in our nation today.

Psalm 67:3-7 – “Let the people praise You. O God.  Let all the peoples praise You.  O, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For you shall judge the people righteously.  And govern the nations on earth”.

Psalm 96:10-13 – “”Say among the nations, “The Lord Reigns; the world also is firmly established. It shall not be moved.He shall judge the peoples righteously.”  Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad; Let the sea roar, and all its fullness;  For He is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth.  He shall judge the world with righteousness And the peoples with His Truth.”

Psalm 97:1, 10 – “The Lord reigns; Let the earth rejoice; Let the multitude of isles be glad; vs. 10-“You who love the Lord hate evil!”
Thank you Jesus for hearing the prayers of your people.  Let us soon visibly see some of the changes we are praying for.
Thank you for reading this,
Great Granny Witt

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Maturing in a Godly Manner with gratitude and grace. Our Christian values are in a crisis in America today.

The Lord is giving the Christian Community of believers another opportunity to make a difference in electing the kind of leadership that will bring America back to where the original founders intended it to be.  It is almost unthinkable that "political correctness” has almost succeeded in replacing  our religious freedoms.  Praise the Lord it hasn’t happened yet.  But we are on the brink of what could be a disaster.

Please don’t vote with a blindfold over your eyes.  Research and become aware  of the values of those running for positions of authority over us.  Because God’s Word is the authority that determines our values, don’t compromise and settle for less.  I have heard some people say “I don’t vote because my one vote does not count.  If 50,000 other voters feel the same way, each and every one of those non-votes do count for the opposition.  We need to be realistic and not inadvertently be giving our support to someone whose values are the opposite of ours.  I believe cautious Christian voters are capable of bringing America back to where it started.  That would be a good thing.  Wake up and join the prayer movement for the spiritual healing of our beloved country before it is too late.

I believe the following scriptures support my thoughts on this serious matter.
Psalm 67:3-7 – “Let the peoples praise You. O God.  Let all the peoples praise You.  O, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You shall judge the people righteously. And govern the nations on earth.”

Psalm 96:10-13 – “Say among the nations, “The Lord Reigns; the world also is firmly established.  It shall not be moved.  He shall judge the peoples righteously.” Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad; Let the sea roar, and all its fullness;  For He is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth.  He shall judge the world with righteousness And the peoples with His Truth.”

Psalm 97:1 – “The Lord reigns; Let the earth rejoice; Let the multitude of isles be glad;  vs. 10 – “You who love the Lord hate evil!”    
Thank you for reading this,
Great Granny Witt