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Monday, May 30, 2016

Maturing in a Godly Manner: Our patriotism should come to the forefront this Memorial Weekend!

Memorial Day  brings me this thought,
Of those who for our country fought.
Some have died to keep us free,
What a sacrifice for you and me.
Their families have been left behind,
While the enemies they sought to find.
They overcame evil with strength and power,
Never in the trenches did they cower!
Our freedoms would have been at stake,
If, their choice to fight they did not make.
So we owe to them a very large debt,
Which is always to remember them and never forget.
That they gave their lives to save ours, with no regret!
On these special days of tribute to the heroes of our land,
Pray blessings on their families, to show them we understand.
Also fly our flags of red, white and blue,
To honor them as we all should do!
Thank you for reading this,
Great Granny Witt

Monday, May 16, 2016

Maturing in a Godly Manner with gratitude and grace: Every day is Children's Day

We have just celebrated “Mother’s Day” and next month we will celebrate “Father’s Day”.  Before that, let us look at how we should be raising our children.  We all know the scriptural instructions given to us in Proverbs 22:6 –

“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  

Our children need to know the instructions given to you and them in Ephesians 6:vs. 1 thru 4.

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. “Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise!  “that it might  be well with you and you may live long on the earth!” (God really takes this seriously and so should you) And you fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.”  

This is also repeated in Colossians 3:21 –

“Fathers, do not provoke your children lest they become discouraged.”  

Although this training begins in the home, it effects their behavior outside the home.  Years ago, as a missionary I had an experience that opened my eyes and ears to the connection between discipline and love.  One of the young women for whom I was responsible left the premises without getting a replacement for her assigned duty, which was a light one.  I then assigned another young lady, who had a much harder job, to replace her.  Her social worker asked her if she was angry with me,  She said, no and also said that no one before had ever cared enough about her to insist she do the right thing.  So, instead of seeing my actions as punishment, she was seeing them as an act of love and caring.  She realized that she needed to be disciplined.

Some parents handle their children with kid gloves.  Their little darlings can do no wrong.  But the parents are being derelict in their duties to bring their children up to be responsible adults.  Does the behavior of your children when outside of your home honor you as their father and mother?  If not, check out the basics and go back to “Square One”.  Not just for your own sake, but for their sake as well.  God will be pleased and so will you and your children.

Thank you for reading this,

Great Granny Witt

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Hope for the Future

I want to wish all the mothers out there a belated happy Mother’s Day. 

As always what is on my heart is the eternal destiny of those I love. I am sure you feel the same way. If we have assurance they have given their lives to Christ then we have a hope that not only will we see them again, but we can grieve as those who have hope.

My dear sister went to be with the Lord a few months ago and I have the confidence that I will see her again in eternity.  She had moved from to Ohio to California (the so called by many “the land of promise”) over 50 years ago.  On one of my visits to California, I had the opportunity to share with her the crucial meaning to us of the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  John 3:15, & 3:16 “that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  She had heard these Scriptures but never thought they applied to her personally. Praise God, she finally accepted the gift of salvation through Jesus!

Thinking about my future reunion with my sister in eternity inspired me to write the following poem. I pray this will also help others who have buried a loved one.

Calm and peace prevail each day,
As we walk with Jesus along the way.
His death guarantees our eternal destination,
To be with Him and others who share His salvation.

No worries or cares, nor darkness of night,
Will cast a shadow on His Great Light.
Imagine walking on streets that are gold,
That we will actually  behold.

Nothing, nor no one, on earth can compare,
With what we will experience when we arrive there.
It is not a place to dread,
But, to look forward to instead.

We can finally say,  with my soul  “All is Well”
In our eternal home where we will dwell.
Again to see those we love, who have gone before,
And to be with them forever more.

I have solace in knowing that my loved ones who have died,
Will one day again walk with me in eternity, side by side.

The following  Scriptures gave me peace and hope during my period of mourning for my sister:

2 Corinthians 5:8 – “We are confident; yes, well pleased to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.”

1 Corinthians 15:55 – “O’ Death, where is your sting? “  1 Corinthians 15:57 – “But thanks to be God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”  

Praise the Lord that this same Jesus who blesses us and cares for us now, is the same Jesus who we will be with us and our loved ones for all eternity!

Thank you for reading this,

Great Granny Witt