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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Jesus, Our Hope

Guest Post: Jen Gorton, Dorothy's grandaughter

Muppet Christmas Carol is a huge part of our family’s Christmas preparation each year. Instead of beautiful carols in the background while we trim the tree, we hear Rizzo yelling, “Light the lamp! Not the rat! Light the lamp! Not the rat!” For some that might not bring warm and fuzzy feelings, but for us it does.
Another part of our Christmas tradition is celebrating Advent. Each year the children delight in arguing over who gets to light the candle of the week, while my husband and I strive to keep the main focus on the Light of the World. Some years we go all out and other years is it a simple weekly event. This year, I truly feel that it will be much more meaningful, at least for me personally.
I began preparing my heart for Advent in November. During that time I studied all the characters of the beautiful story, as well as the Old Testament prophecies. As I read through them, I was blessed to be reminded again and again of the fulfillment of each foretelling. Here are just three of those pre Messiah messages that we are all familiar with:
He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:13-14) Fulfilled: Luke 1:26-28He would be of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10) Fulfilled: Luke 3:33He would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) Fulfilled: Luke 2:4-7*There are many, many more that cover not only Jesus’ birth, but his ministry, torture, death, and resurrection. I encourage you to look them up along with their corresponding New Testament fulfillments. The thing that is so exciting to me, especially as I focus on those prophecies during Advent’s first week, is the hope that those ancient words give me as a believer in Christ Jesus. Each and every word about the Messiah’s life proved true. That gives me great assurance that all the prophecies regarding His second coming and my eternal life with Him in Heaven are 100% trustworthy as well.
*As you enter this new Christmas season, take the time to enjoy the beautiful decorations and fun traditions, but take even more time to relish the beautiful, eternal Hope that is Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Father, thank You for Your Son, Jesus, our Hope Thank You that although we do not know the exact day of His miraculous birth we can still set aside a time each year to rejoice in the gift that He is to all mankind. Amen
Celebrate Advent with your family in some form. Learn more about it here. Our family is using an iron looking decorator tree with five tea light holders for our Advent ‘wreath’. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and fit the tradition to your family. A great book to use over the Christmas season is The ADVENTure of Christmas by Lisa Whelchel.
*Advent – Week One:
Theme: Prophecy (Hope)
Scriptures: Sun. Is. 40:1-5, Mon. Is. 52:7-10, Tue. Is. 40:9-11, Wed. Gen. 3:8-15, Thu. Gen. 15:1-6, Fri. Deut. 18:15-19, Sat. Ps. 89:1-4 (You can limit your readings to one day if you that works better for your family.)

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